New project by Hospices of Hope Moldova! We are happy to promote talanted contemporary artists from the Republic of Moldova who are offering their mastepieces in order to support out beneficiaries. Thus, ilustrations and pictures are offered in exchange for a donation the works of .
The first work was provided by Gaby Allen. She began to create illustrations in a hot summer, challenging herself to make one image per day. Thus, she formed his individual style, offering a qualitative image @gabypaulallen_illustrations. Thank you, Gaby, for your support and that you accepted invitation without a doubt.
The raised money will be directed to help children and adults suffering from incurable illnesses.
The poster bellow is 297x420 cm with a light white frame. The displayed poster is 297x420 cm with a light white frame and is offered in exchange for a donation of 500 MDL. The money collected will be directed to help children and adults suffering from incurable diseases.
Alătură-te campaniei „Un Mărțișor pentru Speranță”, cumpără Mărțișoarele create manual de echipele multidisciplinare din Soroca, Orhei, Ocnița, Cahul și Taraclia și pregătește-te să întâmpini primăvara știind că Mărțișorul pe care-l porți aduce lumina în viețile celor care se confruntă cu o boală incurabilă.
Cauți cadoul potrivit de 8 martie? Vă recomandăm salonul Dessange. Au servicii de răsfăț pe orice plac plus prindeți reducerile de primăvară pentru toata gama de cosmetică decorativă!
Promoție valabilă pînă în data de 8 Martie