Faceți cunoștință - doamna Maria din Orhei. Are peste 70 ani, nu vede și suferă de o boală autoimună despre care a aflat urmare unei intervenții artoplastice. Doamna Maria se deplasează foarte greu, foarte rar face un pas alături de patul pe care petrece zilele întregi, nici cana nu o poate ține din cauza artrozei avansate.

Doamna Maria primește asistență medicală profesională la domiciliu de care are nevoie în primul rînd; și mai mult, la vizita echipelor doamna Maria primește o doză de comunicare și încurajare.

Uneori un mic detaliu de atenție contează, la ultima vizită la doamna Maria, echipa administrativă din Chișinău a venit cu un cadou la doamna Maria - o cană cu pai, cât de simplu și cât de important.

Astfel, recent am inregistrat progrese deosebite și doamna Maria a reușit să ajungă de sine stătător de la patul său pînă la ușa camerei. Câtă putere și efort! Se datorează îndeosebi echipei multidiscuplinare din orașul Orhei care face parte din Rețeaua Națională de Îngrijiri Paliative Hospices of Hope Moldova. Bravo echipa! Bravo doamna Maria!

Mr. Arcadie, the beneficiary of AO “Angelus Taraclia - part of the National Hospices of Hope Moldova Network, is over 70 years old and is diagnosed with rectal cancer. Arcadie is the person who first conducted the gas in the villages of the Taraclia region, bringing comfort and warmth to many fellow citizens. Mr. Arcadie has been a worker all his life and has favorable living conditions, but he also has a blind, first-degree, blind wife, whom he cares for. Being weak, the man finds strength and continues to take care of his wife with whom they have been together for many years.
The team that takes care of the beneficiary in turn consists of a doctor, a psychologist, a nurse and a social worker. Regularly the beneficiary receives a somatic treatment, he is offered monthly stoma and ulcer processing solutions.



Behind the partnerships we establish are always the people, but the most important are the people for whom we wake up every day and work - our beneficiaries.
Mrs. Eudochia, from Andreevca village, Orhei district, is 69 years old. A very active, smiling, grateful and hardworking lady. At first glance, you wouldn't even say that he suffers from a disease - skin cancer. As usual, Ms. Eudochia greeted the team with good cheer and energy. The professional medical help regularly offered by the mobile team from Orhei, but also the daily work, are the ones that alleviate the patient's pain.
Summer house, neat yard, arranged garden, firewood cut and folded, two satiated and gentle cats, is all the legacy of Mrs. Eudochia. This was the fate, because she has no family, no children, the only ones who come to her aid are the neighbors and the mobile team from Orhei district.

A 17-year-old boy who suffers from a multitude of diseases: infantile cerebral palsy, heart failure and others, remains a helpless child for life. Vasile is the beneficiary from Soroca and has a severe psychomotor retardation.

Being "tied" to the bed all his life, Vasile has never moved and does not know how to speak. Emotions and pain are expressed in just a few sounds. This year, the boy was taken over by the palliative care team from Soroca and we hope that the care given will make him make a move as small as it is, another sound, to be heard and to express his needs.

Vasile is the older brother, he has a healthy brother 7 years younger, and he is taken care of by his mother, being abandoned by his father. The mother fails to provide complex care for the boy, being forced to work and take care of the house and another brother.

More recently, Vasile was diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia, the recovery process being hampered by the diagnosis at birth, but the assistance received from Hospice of Hope UK last month was very valuable and life-saving, namely the device for removing mucus from the lungs.



Who are the beneficiaries of Hospices of Hope Moldova?

Our beneficiaries are over 200 patients a month, children or adults, who suffer from an incurable illness.

Since 2017, over 2400 patients have benefited from free palliative care services at home through the Hospices of Hope Moldova Network.

Who is part of the Hospices of Hope Moldova Network?

In 2017 we developed the pilot project National Network of Palliative Care Services Hospices of Hope Moldova, in order to provide free medical, social and psycho-emotional services at home to anyone who needs them in the regions of the Republic of Moldova.

Currently, the Network includes 4 multidisciplinary teams in Orhei, Soroca, Ocnita and Taraclia. The teams are autonomous organizations, authorized according to the normative acts in force, accredited for providing palliative care services.



Stories of the patients