"Centrul Speranței Chișinău" day center, developed by Hospices of Hope Moldova, has obtained Accreditation for Providing Home Palliative Care
"Centrul Speranței Chișinău" day center, developed by Hospices of Hope Moldova, continues its mission to provide support to patients suffering from incurable diseases. Today, we are delighted to announce that "Centrul Speranței Chișinău" day center has received the Accreditation Certificate for Providing Home Palliative Care, thereby reinforcing our commitment to ensuring access to quality care for all those in need.
The accreditation obtained represents an important and long-awaited step towards providing free quality medical, social, and psychological services for patients struggling with serious illness and facing difficulty in mobility. In a time where mobility is a major challenge for them, the opportunity to receive care at home brings a significant level of safety and tranquility, ensuring a pain-free environment for patients.
"For the beneficiaries of Hospices of Hope Moldova, every moment of comfort and support matters immensely. We are grateful that now we will be able to be even closer to the patients who need our help. They are not alone in this fight and will be able to rely on the free assistance we provide, now directly at their homes. Whether it's medical, social, or psychological assistance, the multidisciplinary team is dedicated to providing help to ensure our beneficiaries a pain-free life until the last moment," Veronica Dragnev-Sacara, Country Manager of Hospices of Hope Moldova.
At the same time, another important moment is that "Centrul Speranței Chișinău" day center has managed to contract home care services with the National Health Insurance Company (Compania Națională de Asigurări în Medicină). This includes both the services of the interdisciplinary team and the care provided individually by the doctor, nurse, social worker, and psychologist.
This achievement represents an important step towards a more empathetic and inclusive society, where every person has the right to receive the support and care they need during vulnerable moments.
"Centrul Speranței Chișinău" day center, along with Hospices of Hope Moldova, would like to express gratitude for all the support provided by national authorities, the Ministry of Health, and National Health Insurance Company (CNAM). On behalf of our beneficiaries, we extend thanks to the donors and supporters of Hospices of Hope Moldova, who make our mission to provide assistance to those suffering from incurable diseases and in need of Palliative Care possible. Together, we will continue to open doors for more accessible and effective Palliative Care to be available to as many beneficiaries as possible.
Step by step, we are approaching the most important annual event organized by Hospices of Hope Moldova. At its 9th edition, the most courageous cycling enthusiasts will reunite for the traditional HOSPICE BIKE TOUR, to embark on an unforgettable journey by bicycle, with the final destination - Vama Veche, Romania. The main purpose of this initiative is to support children and adults in the Republic of Moldova suffering from cancer and other incurable diseases.
It is a unique event where perseverance and love for sports blend with the unconditional desire to contribute to a good cause for the beneficiaries of Hospices of Hope Moldova, who need palliative care. Within the organization, every patient has the opportunity to receive free medical, social, and psychological assistance, thanks to the support provided by the backers of Hospices of Hope Moldova.
Each participant, besides the challenge of covering over 540 km in 4 days to Vama Veche, Romania, is challenged to raise 500 EUR for incurable patients from various regions of the Republic of Moldova. This amount symbolizes human altruism, a contribution that will provide beneficiaries of Hospices of Hope Moldova the opportunity to live their lives with dignity and without pain until the very end.
If you wish to be part of this charitable event, where you will cycle over 540 km and raise funds to support patients suffering from incurable diseases, we warmly invite you to join our initiative by filling out the participation form you can find on the main page, on the right.
For other details, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / +37379266407, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / 060105882 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / +37369163263
Details regarding the route for each day will be provided soon.
Period: June 22 – June 26, 2024. The race will take place from Saturday to Tuesday, and on Wednesday will be the organized return with transportation to Chisinau.
Duration: 4 days on the route + 1 day return journey. Total over 540 km.
Destination: Vama Veche, Romania – the final destination THE SEA!
- You must have a bicycle in good technical condition, preferably a road bike + helmet;
- Physical preparation to cover a route of over 540 km in 4 days (we respectfully request a proof of this through a report from the Strava app or any other apps that can demonstrate the participant's preparation);
- Knowledge and ability to ride in a pluton on the route;
- Participation in training sessions organised by Hospices of Hope Moldova;
- As a charitable race, each participant aims to raise 500 EUR - for the free palliative care services offered in the Hospices of Hope Moldova network;
- Accommodation and meal costs are not covered by the program.
Organizers provide:
- Logistical support for the smooth running of the event (including hotel reservation/food);
- Snacks for the tour; water, beverages, fruits, energy bars;
- Spare parts subject to availability;
- Sport cycling jersey;
- Professional photos and videos from the tour;
- Training for fundraising within the project.
Sponsorship packages for companies are available upon request, and details will be discussed with the Hospices of Hope Moldova team.
Întrevederea Fondatorului Hospices of Hope Moldova cu Secretarul de Stat al Ministerului Sănătății
Pe data de 8 februarie a.c. a avut loc o întrevedere de lucru a dlui Graham Perolls, Fondatorul Hospices of Hope Moldova, cu dl Alexandru Gasnaș, Secretar de Stat al Ministerului Sănătății,
unde au fost discutate prioritățile de activitate ale organizației Hospices of Hope Moldova pentru anul curent, precum și planurile de dezvoltare pe domeniul de îngrijiri paliative la nivel național.
A fost trecută în revistă activitatea Hospices of Hope atât în Republica Moldova, cât și alte țări din Europa de Sud-Est. În special a fost remarcat progresul și nivelul de dezvoltare în timp a domeniului îngrijirilor paliative din România,
realizate de organizația parteneră Hospice Casa Speranței.
Ministerul Sănătății al Republicii Moldova a reconfirmat angajamentul ferm de a susține și de a contribui de o manieră consecventă la dezvoltarea serviciului de îngrijiri paliative în țara noastră.
De asemenea, a fost manifestat interesul de a face schimb de experiență cu partenerii din Romania, cu ideea de a transpune cele mai bune practici și în Republica Moldova pe domeniul îngrijirlor paliative.
Primăvara aceasta te provocăm să porți #mărțișorulsperanței!
Ce-ar fi dacă ți-am spune că acum tu poți fi acel erou ce aduce speranța? Și o poți face atât de simplu - purtând în piept un mărțișor, #mărțișorulsperanței! An după an, Hospices of Hope unește tradiția cu misiunea de crea o comunitate mai blândă, pentru cei ce au nevoie de îngrijiri paliative. În ajunul primăverii, alături de beneficiarii și voluntarii noștri, confecționăm #mărțișoarelesperanței care simbolizează faptul că precum după iarnă vine primăvara, așa și în cele mai provocatoare momente apare speranța.
Cu o donație simbolică de 20 de lei în schimbul unui mărțișor, contribui cu faptă bună pentru cei ce au nevoie de ajutor în lupta cu o boală incurabilă și valorifici frumoasele tradiții moldovenești.