For women!
Looking at women, you start to believe in the myth of superhumans! Ambitious, dynamic, emotional and effective, they make their intervention intuitive, psychological, beneficial to all. Today, March 8, pure thoughts intertwined with love and health, dear women!
De 8 Martie
Privind femeile, sfârșești a crede în mitul cu supraoamenii! Ambițioase, dinamice, cu plăcerea muncii, emotive și eficace, fac ca intervenția lor să fie mai intuitivă, mai psihologică, benefică tuturor. De 8 Martie, gânduri curate împletite din iubire și sănătate, dragi femei!
#Challenge - introduce Hospices' of Hope Moldova fiscal code – 1017620003086 - when the income tax return is completed.
We invite you to be the ambassador of a noble cause!
Tell your friends and followers about the possibility to redirect 2% of income tax towards the organisation they like and challenge them to support the development of free palliative care services.
About us:
We are Hospices of Hope Moldova, a charity organization that develops and supports free palliative care services in the Republic of Moldova. Our beneficiaries are over 200 children and adults who are terminally ill and need medical, social and psycho-emotional care.
We raise funds in order to ensure the activity of 5 mobile teams from Cahul, Soroca, Orhei, Taraclia and Ocnita that mke weekly visits free of charge to our beneficiaries.
Each individual can redirect 2% of the income tax for the development of palliative care in the country, without affecting their own income.
What is necessary is to include the fiscal code of the organization Hospices of Hope Moldova - 1017620003086 - when completing income tax form.
For someone it's just a click, and for us it means prolonging someone's life.
With love,
Hospices of Hope Moldova team
+373 792 66 407
#Legea2Procente #Law2% #IngrijiriPaliative #hope #HospicesofHopeMoldova
#Provocare de inclus codul fiscal al organizației Hospices of Hope Moldova – 1017620003086 - atunci când este îndeplinită declarația pe venit.
Te invităm să fii ambasadorul unei cauze nobile!
Vino cu un mesaj scris sau video pe rețele de socializare referitor la direcționarea 2% impozitului pe venit pentru dezvoltarea serviciilor gratuite de îngrijire paliativă.
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