A new partnership has been established between Biorganic Raw Cafe and Hospices of Hope Moldova.

During an extremely productive meeting with Tatiana Sterea, the founder of Biorganic Raw Cafe, we shared the values, the development plans and decided how we can help each other.

Tatiana was one of the first who popularized alternative food in the Republic of Moldova, proving that vegan dishes can be delicious and consistent. In her activity, Tatiana emphasizes the quality of the products, but also the human aspect. When Tatiana chooses the products for the Biorganic Raw Cafe store, she checks how the products have been verified, what the company's social involvement is.

We are extremely grateful that Tatiana decided to be conected to charity as well. Thus, Biorganic Raw Cafe has already hosted the donation box. Tatiana donated 10 books written by her "Inside Biorganic's Kitchen" which is offered in exchange for a donation of 500 lei. Together with Tatiana, we planned the 2nd edition of the event, Hospices of Hope Moldova brand, #CharityandCooking. And this is just the beginning.

We are even more inspired by our daily work, when we see that behind successful companies are people who know the value of another person regardless of his abilities and health, generous, understanding and strong people.